Brown Trout Look Very Different Depending on Where They Live

Brown Trout around the world can have very different appearances depending upon where you catch them. Part of the reason for this is that they are not native to the America’s and were stocked at some point in the distant past. They were stocked from different strains of brown trout from different parts of Europe including Germany and the UK. The other factor is that over time wild brown trout colors change to better match the river or lake environment in which they live. Each generation of brown trout becomes better camouflaged because the baby trout that can hide better survive to pass on their genes to future generations.

Here are photos of brown trout we caught in different locations in Chile. Notice the range of colors and the difference in spots. The brown trout from one river had bellies and bottom fins that were orange. Other fish in rivers with a light-colored muddy bottom were a washed out gray as well.

Lake fish has a bluish-silvery sheen

Lake fish has a bluish-silvery sheen

This brown is orange, particularly on his underside

This brown is orange, particularly on his underside

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A dense pattern of spots.

A dense pattern of spots.

A brown with very few spots

A brown with very few spots

This river fish is almost completely a washed out gray

This river fish is almost completely a washed out gray

Late Winter means Sportsmen’s (and Women’s) Shows

Coming up are two Shows that I will be giving presentations at and selling books:

On Saturday, March 16th the Western Maine Fly Fishing Expo returns to the Gould Academy Field House in Bethel Maine from 9am – 3 pm with more exhibitors, new seminars and presentations, and a casting area to test drive new rods. There will be guides, outfitters, sporting camps, authors, artists, equipment manufacturers, retailers, a silent auction, and a raffle.

On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 29th, March 30th, and April 1 is the Maine Sportsman Show in Augusta, Maine. see for more details. I will be at the Maine Sportsman Booth Friday afternoon from 4 pm on, and I am giving a presentation: 12 Best Flies for Trophy Brook Trout and How to Fish Them, each day. I don’t have the exact times yet.

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My New Book: In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout – The Ultimate Handbook of Tactics, Timing, and Territory is now available. You can order from me off my website. Just email me your address. You can send me a check at 35 Crystal Lane, Cumberland, Me. 04021 or can now pay with PayPal. Look for the tab and link on my site. You can also purchase from the Rangeley Sport Shop and Royal River Books in Yarmouth, Maine. As the books become more widely available, I will list other outlets.