End of Season Fishing Report-Part 2

The second half of October has given us very warm temps for this time of year with highs reaching the 70s before returning to seasonal levels as Halloween approaches. I hope you have done a little fishing.

I closed my Kennebago Lake camp on the 17th and since it was warm and still, and the lake itself is still open until the end of the month, I ventured out in the kayak with my dry line and size 16 Puterbaugh Caddis. Low and behold, I landed a few fish including a good one that exceeded 12 inches. Good way to end things up there.

Also, had the opportunity to see the native brook trout spawning in the local streams, which is always a treat.

Closer to Windham, I took advantage of the warm weather and tried a variety of local waters. Due to high water and probably my own ineptitude, I didn’t fare well, except for the Pleasant River where I landed a number of holdover brown trout on my new favorite brown trout streamer, the Brownsylvania Special (a zonker-type pattern).

I must say, I have done more fishing this year than any other year in my life, and even I am ready to take a break and do other things for a little while, like a number of writing assignments that I have postponed. The warm weather has kept my vegetable garden going so I still have harvesting to do as well as preparing it for the winter.

Stick picking flowers, tomatos, swiss chard, greens, broccoli, etc. on October 27th

Second crop of the year pumpkins ripening, still no frost.

In other news, the TU event on the Mousam River went well; the weather cooperated, over thirty folks showed up, learned about the river ,and picked up a huge pile of trash along the banks including tossed greenhouse supplies and an old toilet.

The Mousam clean up crew discussing Mousam conservation.

My next speaking event will be November 13 at Maine Sport on Rt. 1 in Rockport during the Georges River TU chapter meeting. Visitors are welcome. Meeting starts at 6 and I present at 7. My presentation will be:
In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout: Where and How to Catch Them (and the flies to do it) – based on my book, “In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout”. 

Late April Fly Fishing Report

Spring is taking its sweet time showing up. It snowed this morning, just like it has snowed every few days for most of April. According to the weather almanac, it hasn’t been much warmer in late April than it was in late February.

Mid-April snowstorm (4)

This has been the scene too often in April around my house. And yes, I am growing early spinach, lettuce, radishes, etc. under low hoop houses. That way I don’t have to go to the grocery store as much.

Up country they have had a number of wet snow storms including yesterday and there is still snowpack, especially on north-facing slopes. Rivers have been running high and in the Rangeley area at least, ice is still locked in tight on the lakes except for coves with incoming water. Ice out looks to be the first week of May if we get some warm rain or sunny days.

In southern Maine, the smaller rivers and streams have been fishable although still cold. i took the water temperature of Collyer Brook Sunday morning, April 26th and it was only 42 degrees. My family and I have been exploring local waters together because given social distancing constraints and Maine shelter-in-place suggestions, outside fishing is one activity we can do together. I just moved to the Windham area in the last year, so much new water to explore more thoroughly.

This is an interesting time to fish area rivers, streams, and lakes because you never know whether you will catch small stockers, brood stock, holdovers, or wild fish. I have caught all of the above in the same stretch of a small stream. It has been too cold for much to be in the way of emerging other than midges and early stones, so most of the action is on streamers and nymphs.

One beautiful weekend, my entire family, except my daughter in Florida, spend the day exploring the Presumpscot River watershed. We found a number of brown and brook trout that included stockers, broodstock, holdovers, and wild fish. See the following video:

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Of course, every spring I have to go back to Collyer Brook in Gray at least once. When I first started fly fishing in my 20’s, it was my local stream that I learned on. I have fished it every year since for over 35 years and I have only been skunked a few times. Last week was no exception, but catching a few recent stocked fish wasn’t the point. Collyer Brook is like an old friend, and I like to check in and make sure she is all right and to share a few memories. I have fished all over the world including most recently in Chile for ridiculously big fish, but I don’t think I had more fun than I did for a few hours on my former home water.

I have fished this same run for over 35 years.

                                         I have fished this same run for over 35 years.

Collyer Brook success. Hot fly this spring has been a fly tied by my daughter's boyfriend, Will. We call it Will's Redwood Special. (It is a variation of a Wood Special pattern)

Collyer Brook success. Hot fly this spring has been a fly tied by my daughter’s boyfriend, Will. We call it Will’s Redwood Special. (It is a variation of a Wood Special pattern)

Enjoy the fishing everyone. Stay safe. Lou




Signs of Spring: March 30 Post

Love this time of year when so many creatures feel the strong pull of perpetuating the species. Here are two videos. The first, by my friend, Kevyn Fowler ,shows smelt spawning in a tiny outlet stream. Note the eggs, which will hatch in a few weeks with the emergent fry washing down into the lake before seasonal streams dry up. Near the end of the video, watch the fat brown trout cruise on screen looking to pick off a distracted or injured smelt.

The second video shows newly arrived Merganser ducks with the splendid black-and-white  males competing for females to pair off with.

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Fishing Season Begins: Fly-Fishing Report

Hello Everyone,

It has obviously been a long time since I have posted. As I am sure most of you have been doing, I have prioritized learning and understanding what has been going on with COVID – 19. After that, I focused on ensuring my extended family was safely situated, my wife and I were stocked with what we needed, and our financial affairs were in order – given the turbulence of the financial markets.

Now it is a waiting game, and since many of us are cooped up at home worried about what the next month will look like, fly fishing is a great diversion – either reading and viewing stuff on line or actually going fishing! I will do my part to provide a diversion by posting as much content as I can over the next few weeks, so check back frequently.

Fishing Report

February and early March continued New England’s warmer-than-normal winter and in southern Maine, rivers and lake margins were free of ice by mid-March. The only snow remaining was in patches in the shade of conifers. The Maine mountains and northern Maine enjoyed winter weather much closer to normal with a few good snows, so a good snow pack remains with lakes and ponds still locked up tight.

This last week, the weather has turned much colder with nights in the mid teens even in southern Maine witha good snowstorm thrown in for good measure, This has delayed  ice-out on many water bodies, at least for a little while.

The governor of Maine, Janet Mills, a enthusiastic angler herself, opened up the fishing season one week early, and cooped-up kids, families, and unemployed folks found the nearest open water quickly. Near my home on the upper Presumpscot River, the popular stretches of nearby rivers and ponds looked like a scene from Memorial Day weekend. Of course, with the water temps in the high 30’s, few people connected with fish, but it didn’t really matter. My daughter’s boyfriend, Will, did take a kayak out on North Gorham Pond and landed a 16-inch landlocked salmon.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @mainelyflyfishing

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Late February brought some serious melting

                                            Late February brought some serious melting

High March sun brings melting.

High March sun brings melting.

As the ice melts, it exposes dead fish and the Dundee Pond resident bald eagle finds dinner.

As the ice melts, it exposes dead fish and the Dundee Pond resident bald eagle finds dinner.

March 27th and cove ice is almost out.

                                            March 27th and cove ice is almost out.




October continues summer weather

As I write this on October 15, I just got back from Upper Dam, where I fished in a teeshirt because it was 70 degrees. The water temperature…58 degrees…much warmer than expected for this time of year. Anybody still doubt our climate is changing?

After a warm and dry September (again), some trout and salmon finally started moving up rivers and streams at the very end of the month. Fishing turned on in Kennebago River for example on the last two days of the season as water temperatures finally dropped and water was released from the dam.

I never guide the last day of the season, reserving that time to fish with friends or family. I got up at 0-dark-30 to have a few hours on the Kennebago to myself. At a pool by the name of Green Island, I fished uneventfully and unsuccessfully as the light slowly brightened on a cloudy day. On my last cast before heading home for a very late breakfast and maybe a nap, I sleepily cast a prince nymph as  far across the pool as I could in order to tighten the line on the reel in an orderly fashion. I was abruptly shocked awake by a strong take. The female salmon that I eventually landed turned out to be the largest I have ever landed on Kennebago – somewhere around five pounds, certainly no less. Tough to get any sort of photo by yourself if you don’t want to put the fish on dry land but you get the idea of his size given that I have big- can palm a basketball – hands…IMG_1285Later on in the afternoon, in some sort of cosmic karma balancing, my wife caught the largest landlocked in her life on the exact same prince nymph fly. IMG_4688
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With water temperatures still relatively warm, for waters that are still open, I assume that lake and pond fishing will stay good until the end of the month as will river fishing  where there is sufficient water.